Hi, I'm Christa I'm 23 years old I am married to an amazing man named Christopher ( yes I know Chris & Christa how funny) we currently live in California and are about to start a new adventure in our lives because my husband has decided to join the Air Force. Now before you jump to conclusions that this is just going to be a crying bitch fest about how much I miss my husband and what a proud Air Force wife I am let me give you a quick background on my relationship with the military:
1. I am a Marine Corps brat, I grew up with a dad that was in the infantry and was a drill instructor (basically as moto as they come). I have lived coast to coast and am well aware of how much having your dad gone all the time sucks, knowing that your "uncles" might not come back from that trip they said they had to go on, and that cleaning your room will be followed with a white glove inspection.
2. Although I am thankful for what my parents were able to provide my sister and I because of the military I also knew that I was over the military lifestyle. I refused to even entertain attention from Marines and when two of my old boyfriends decided they wanted to join the military I bolted for the door and never looked back.
So what happened... Well I found the love of my life, got engaged before he decided he wanted to become an Airman ( I still say he did it on purpose to trick me). He decided that the military was something he has always been interested in and I'm sure being around my family, the poster family for the Marine Corps didn't help, he decided the USAF would be the best fit for him. Loving someone unconditionally means that no matter what you bite your lip and deal with what life throws at you.
This will be my story of a Marine Corps brat starting her own family as an Airman's wife.
From Semper Fi to Aim High